Patrick Munson, CPA, Partner
- MBA, Utah State University, 2010
- B.S. Accounting, Utah State University, 2009
Professional Affiliations
- Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
- Member, Utah Association of Certified Public Accountants (UACPA)
Professional Experience
- Audit and Tax Staff, Ulrich & Associates PC, Ogden, Utah, December 2010 – September 2012
- Tax Staff, Jones Simkins PC, Logan, Utah, January 2009 – December 2010
- Financial Analyist, ATK Launch Systems, Promontory Utah, May 2008 – January 2009
Patrick Munson, CPA is one of our stellar partners here at A+P CPAs. He’s been working in the world of public accounting for over 15 years building up expertise in a variety of areas, but his focus is on compilation, review, and audit services as well as individual, corporate and LLC/partnership income
tax consulting, planning and return preparation. One of his super-powers is his ability to communicate
complex tax issues in a way that regular people can understand.
Patrick is a member of the AICPA and UACPA and belongs to several professional networking
organizations where he has served in leadership roles. Through these associations, he has built lasting
friendships and helped grow our firm, bringing quality clients on board. This is another one of his super-
powers which is building and nurturing relationships. This extends to the workplace as well, where
Patrick has been a driving force in creating a strong work culture, looking for ways to show appreciation
and make busy season not just survivable but fun. March Madness usually doesn’t mean basketball
around here but now that we participate with brackets – it’s fun madness!
Patrick loves family and his favorite times are when he is with his 5 children cheering them on in piano
recitals, school plays, music concerts, or coaching their sports teams. He also loves to eat and if chips
and salsa are around, they won’t be around for long! His wife Skye is his Number 1 and he looks up to
her more than anyone else in the world. He’s a big sports fan and loves to watch and play almost
anything, however, inexplicably he cannot stand up on a skateboard to save his life!