Staff Accountant

Holley Christensen is a key member of our incredible accounting staff. She uses her mathematical magic every day for our firm quietly going about the world of taxes. Hollie’s favorite areas of her job include navigating QuickBooks, preparing quarterly payroll tax filings and she inexplicably loves the craziness of tax season! She is up for any challenge and always willing to jump in to difficult tax questions helping ease worries for our clients. Hollie grew up in St George among the red rocks of Southern Utah, but she’s also lived in northern Utah where she met her husband, Brandon. They’ve also lived in Virginia and Colorado before moving back to St George in 2020. Now their life is spent on the daily adventure of raising three boys and a dog named Tess. When the roller coaster ride of tax season is over, Holley loves traveling, basketball, baking and being a taxi driver for her boys.