Mandee Herbert joined our team as an intern for our 2022 busy season. She jumped in with both feet and we liked her so much, we brought her on permanently! Mandee is living proof that it’s never too late to become the person you were meant to be and there is nothing magical about Mondays or New Years. If you want to do better at something, start now. Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful. A wife and mother of four children, Mandee decided to go back to school. She is currently a student at Southern Utah University and works remotely for our firm from her home in Monroe, UT. She hopes to have her Master’s of Accountancy by the summer of 2025. Working in accounting is already fulfilling for Mandee. She loves the order and organization of it. When everything balances and is “perfect” it’s really satisfying. She is especially enjoying the Audit side of public accounting. Not that she has time, after mothering and working and going to school, but she loves doing anything in the great outdoors. Her favorite hobbies include boating, camping, hiking, riding side-by-sides and beautiful Lake Powell has a piece of her heart!